The secular Carmelite “Chapter of Our lady of Mt. Carmel & Therese of the Child Jesus” continues to thrive in Barrington, RI along the shores of Narragansett Bay. Our community is very fortunate in being able to share the home of the Carmelite Sisters at the Monastery for our Masses, meetings, and special events. The Sisters have always been very gracious, supportive, and most of all, inspiring to all of us.
At the time of this writing the chapter currently has thirty-seven (37) active members, fourteen (14) extended members, and forty-three (43) deceased members who we remember in our prayers. We also have three (3) Observers who are currently discerning a vocation in Carmel.
Our members come from all walks of life with varying levels of spirituality. We all have different starting points and reasons for beginning our journey in Carmel but, have a common desire to learn how to live our lives according to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the intercession and protection of His Blessed Mother.
The meetings we have consist of a Formation session in which we study and discuss the lives of the Carmelite Saints, a short business session, a conference given by a Carmelite Friar or a local Diocesan priest, some social time to get to know each other a little better, praying of the Liturgy of the Hours, then culminating in the celebration of the Mass.
We each take the Grace and information we receive and apply it to our own journey as we strive toward total Union with Christ. Won’t you come join us?